Head of School Newsletter: September

Hello PFM families,

It is officially Fall and at Pacific First Montessori we have begun noticing all of the seasonal changes happening around us: the air is getting chilly, the leaves are beginning to change color, and the rain has come back. We love taking the children on walks around our city to observe these exciting things happening.

We are so excited to welcome our new families to PFM! Lucy and Jillian are doing so well in the toddler room. Raahil and Chengyu have settled in nicely to North preschool and Etta and Dominic joined South preschool. Kennedy, younger sister of Jack Bell in preschool, begins this week in the infant room as well as Charles who is the younger brother of Lucie in the toddler room. Cruz and Lyla have transitioned to the toddler room and are doing so well with their new friends and teachers! All of our toddlers who transitioned to preschool in September are doing amazing and Vera will join preschool this week!

Thank you very much for attending the Preschool Curriculum Night with your child’s teacher. It sounds like you all received valuable information about your child’s day, the Montessori curriculum, and were able to ask the teachers things you were wondering about. The teachers feel supported by you all and are so thankful that you were able to attend this important event.

We are looking forward to taking the preschoolers on their annual Pumpkin Farm Field Trip. We will head to Craven Farm on October 23rd – we hope you can join us for the ride on the yellow school bus and sludge around in the mud with us at the pumpkin farm!

In October, teachers also offer Home Visits – a half hour visit at your home with parents, child, and teacher. This is a wonderful opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss goals for children and for teachers to be able to see your child in their home setting. These visits help teachers learn more about your child’s interests and can help strengthen the teacher-child connection. Home visits are highly encouraged for all children who have entered a new classroom since last October.

At PFM, we celebrate Halloween by dressing up in our costumes and then the preschoolers parade throughout our building to sing “spooky” Halloween songs to parents and some businesses. Infants and toddlers are more than welcome to come dressed in costumes as well. We will change all children back into their regular clothing before lunch time. This has become a tradition here at PFM that the children just seem to love.

Happy October everyone!

Teddi Blades

Director & Owner, PFM