How to 'fall back' with kids and not lose (too much) sleep

Next Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. This can throw your child's natural sleep rhythm off (as well as your own), so in order to prepare for the extra hour, check out these tips from Motherly.

  1. Shift your child's sleep schedule slightly in the days leading up to it

  2. Anticipate early rising

  3. Be mindful of exposure to sunlight and darkness

  4. Get enough sleep before the time change

  5. Be patient and try not to worry

Click here for the full article.

With all the focus on your kid's sleep, don't forget to take care of yourself, too! Make sure you're getting the rest you need as well, so you can be more emotionally available for your child during this time. And remember, these effects are short lived, so within a week or so, everything should be back to normal. Rest up, be patient, and good luck!