Toddler July Newsletter

things that go


Trains, busses, cars, planes, oh my! So many different methods of transportation, and the toddlers are determined to learn them all during the month of July! Our classroom work will include transportation-themed touches, images of different types of vehicles throughout our space, and more!

Some of the types of vehicles we will learn about include:

  • land

  • sea/under & above water

  • air

  • space

What fun! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.

Important Dates to Remember:


Classroom notes:

  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less

Happy Birthday!

July 7th Charlie C

July 14th Harper D
