South Preschool October Newsletter

A Season of Change

This month, South Preschool will take a closer look at the signs of seasonal change. Students will match gourds and learn the life cycle of a pumpkin. They will also spend time carefully observing leaves shedding their green colors to reveal their fall splendor. during circle, they’ll sing ‘autumn leaves are falling down’ and ‘there’s a spider on the floor.’


Growth is not merely an increase in size, but a transformation.
— Maria Montessori

Dates to Remember:

October 11: PFM Closed for In-Service

October 23: Craven Farms @ 9:30

October 31: Halloween Sing @ 9:35



quick classroom reminders…

  • Breakfast Club ends at 8:30. If your child would like to eat breakfast at school, please make sure you are here before then.

  • Please remember to keep toys at home or in the car, unless your child is bringing them in for their sharing day.

  • HOME VISITS start this month. Please sign up for a date and time in the lobby. If you are in need of a particular day or time that is not listed, feel free to email. You may alternatively opt to have a CONFERENCE at school instead of a home visit.
